Trip to Burbank for MATh.en.JEANS
After last year's conference in New York, 30 students in grades 6-12 had the chance to present their year research at this year’s MATh.en.JEANS organized by the International School of Los Angeles (LILA) in Burbank, California. Throughout the long weekend, students attended a conference on probability; took party in a math rally at the Griffith Observatory with students from Toronto, San Francisco, New York and Vancouver; finalized their oral presentation with their partnering group and presented their own research during the last two days of their stay. All groups were congratulated on the quality of their work! With their free time, students had the opportunity to enjoy the hotel swimming pool, take a walk in the scenic hills above Los Angeles and discover the famous Warner Bros. Studio. A busy, enriching and inspiring experience that left students inspired and motivated to take part in the project again next year!