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Hackathon 2024 : The Olympic Games

A five image collage of 5th and 6th-grade students working with robots

To help our 5th and 6th graders prepare for their transition to middle school, students took part in an Olympic-themed Hackathon. Consisting of a series of challenges using different technological tools, students had two hours to work in groups and complete the following tasks:

  • Draw an Olympic flame using pixel art software
  • Use recycled materials and specific dimensions to create an Olympic flame that can be supported on a Maqueen robot
  • Program a Maqueen robot to dance, light up in multiple colors and display animations on its screen
  • Program an Ozobot, a small robot that recognizes lines and colors, to trace the Olympic flame's international route on a map
  • Use Scratch to program their athlete's hurdle jumps

With the help of their 5th grade and middle school teachers, students showed ingenuity, creativity and true team spirit. Their hard work and determination paid off: they all did a great job and got great results!