“Oui” Choose Kindness: Another Year of SEL in Focus
Throughout the month of November, students across the LFC took part in the third-annual “Oui” Choose Kindness campaign – an initiative which celebrates the importance of acceptance and empathy.
With activities ranging from “kindness kiosks” in secondary school to the return of Imagination Theater and DEI consultant Krystal Allen, these exercises showcased the unique ways students practice social and emotional learning at school.
Starting the week of November 4, the 8th grade Vibe Squad visited students in grades 1-5 to complete an interactive art project centered around kindness. The Vibe Squad, whose goal is to spread positivity across school, guided their young peers in coloring sheets of paper that would later form the leaves of a “kindness tree” display on the third floor atrium.
On November 18, all students and teachers in Grades 1-5 were given “kindness cards” decorated with positive affirmations. Once received, students were then tasked with placing these cards in new spots throughout the school in order to spread kindness and positivity.
To end the month, the LFC implemented “Oui” Choose Kindness week, featuring an outdoor “Chalk the Walk” drawn by our elementary and 8th-grade students, “kindness kiosks” for secondary students and staff to create positive affirmation cards, and assemblies for Grades K-12 centered around various SEL topics:
- In Grades K-4, students attended a presentation by Imagination Theater titled “Show Some Respect,” and were welcomed to the cafeteria by 8th-graders, who brought music and positive energy
- In Grade 5, students took part in a martial arts and self-defense workshop from Thousand Waves Empowerment, where they learned about the power of saying “no.”
- In middle and high school, students spoke with Krystal Allen, regarding themes of belonging, empathy, embracing diversity and addressing bullying.
Additionally, the Vibe Squad visited kindergarten classrooms to read books centered around kindness, such as “The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade” – the story of a young girl who discovers even the smallest voices make a big impact.
For 8th graders, these assemblies and activities showed extra initiative; after dividing into five groups, students spent the four-week period leading up to the assembly preparing slides, designing posters and channeling their innovative and creative abilities.
“The ‘Oui’ Choose Kindness campaign began in 2022 as LFC transitioned out of pandemic-mode and established SEL and student wellness as a priority” said Middle School Dean of Students, Nicole McKendry. “OCK at its best is witnessing 8th graders demonstrate positive leadership among their K-8 peers. It is SEL in action: student-driven, high-energy creative projects that bring out the best in our community.”
Another incredible “Oui” Choose Kindness campaign completed!